Monday, May 25, 2009


The only connection between the matters discussed below are that they show ever more unpleasant facets of the human condition:
  • About 150 years ago (when the U.S. population was 31 million) famous showman P.T. Barnum was credited with saying "a sucker is born every minute". In today's terms (with 310 million Americans) that would translate to "a sucker is born every 6 seconds" which seems just about accurate. How else to explain how many suckers exist to fall for every conceivable type of fraud--from the "sophisticated" investors who without question or diligence gave Bernie Madoff and other mini-Madoffs their fortunes to the less wordly who are or were involved in all sorts of absurd get rich quick schemes ("earn $200,000 from your home!") to the unfortunate and desperate who fall prey to dangerous fad diet claims and other impossible cures for various ailments? The bearded lady and other phony acts in Barnum's old carnivals were harmless bits of entertainment for yesteryear's suckers compared to what goes on in modern society.
  • Is there any country in the "developed world" more ridiculous and hypocritical when it comes to sex and commercialism than the U.S.? While our courts devote precious time to decide whether Janet Jackson's Super Bowl "wardrobe malfunction" or fleeting obscenities uttered by celebrities are punishable offenses (?), the airwaves are polluted with not-so-subtle commercials about erectile dysfunction cures (don't you love the couple sitting outside apparently naked in side by side old bathtubs?) or K-Y petroleum jelly, etc. These aren't obscene? TNB, certainly no prude, is actually most amused by the several spots where young couples (no need for Cialis) breathe rather heavily in public until inevitably an old biddy says "get a room". It turns out that the commercial is for a furniture company pushing ROOM additions. Sex sells.
  • Speaking of suckers, who exactly watches "reality shows" like the upcoming "I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here"? Successor to a long line of quality television productions like "The Biggest Loser" (actually the viewer), "I Married My Niece" (OK, TNB made this one up) and others, the new show, set to debut in June, will feature Z-list "celebs" like Patti Blagojevich (Mrs. Rod) eating insects and doing other gross out things while on location in the Costa Rican jungle. Mr. Rod was not allowed to participate by the Federal judge overseeing his criminal case who strangely didn't trust the Smiling Serb to return to Chicago for trial. This judge obviously doesn't appreciate what TV viewers will be missing.

Corrections-- A sharp eyed reader noticed that both Arlen Specter and Jim Cramers's surnames were misspelled in the last post which was, you may recall, was entitled "Pathetic" which is how TNB feels about such errors. But please keep reading and sending in your comments, both positive and critical.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Just when there appeared to be a little lull in the obnoxious rantings coming from politicians and pundits, along comes some really pathetic individuals.

Who could possibly be more pathetic than Sen. Arlen Spector (D or R--your choice) of Pennsylvania? Facing certain defeat in next year's Republican primary in his home state, Sen. Turncoat took the pathetic route. Instead of retiring after 30 years in the Senate, at age 79 with a host of health problems, he opted to declare himself a Democrat. This development was pathetically welcomed by both President Obama and Vice President Biden, who apparently found time while continually inserting his foot in his mouth to lobby Spector to make the change.

Why? Spector will (maybe) give the Democrats the 60th vote they need to prevent GOP filibusters. That is, if Al Franken finally is seated after numerous court challenges in the Minnesota race by former GOP Senator Norm Coleman. But not so fast. Spector stated that he wants Coleman to win so there will still be at least one Jewish Republican in the Senate. So much for the 60th vote and any party "loyalty". Spector, who is best remembered for his vicious baiting of Anita Hill during the 1991 Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings, should not be embraced by Obama who already has a pathetic Jewish Senator in Joe Lieberman who mostly votes with the President after smearing him during the campaign. This is really disgusting.

But perhaps even worse we have the CNBC charmers such as Larry Kudlow and Jim Creamer who have likened Obama to Lenin and believe (or do they?) that we are in the throes of Soviet style socialism, etc. etc. Obama's "sin" of course is that he dared to "invade" the sacrosanct free market in order to save the country from a possible depression. Their solution would be just to stand by and let the financial system, auto industry, etc. fail. More than pathetic. Responsible dissent has disappeared and been replaced by demagoguery. It's sad that the only way that the two parties come together is when Arlen Spector looks in the mirror. Ugh!