Saturday, July 24, 2010

Who's Sorry Now

Is there anything sorrier and less meaningful than the seemingly rote apologies that are forthcoming almost hourly from public figures, mostly prompted by their PR people or "image consultants"?

Often of course we're talking about a politician, entertainer or athlete who's sorry over some sexual or financial indiscretion (actually sorry about being caught). But there are other types of apologies being made, such as the following recent examples:
  • Bill O'Reilly-- Sorry about his role in the Shirley Sherrod USDA firing scandal (not to mention Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, sorry for his role in same scandal ). Hasn't President Obama also expressed his regret (he should!).
  • Glenn Beck-- Truth be told, he should apologize for just existing. His latest "I'm sorry" resulted from his calling Chicago Bears star Brian Urlacher a "neo-Nazi" based on a shaved head picture of the linebacker Beck saw in something called "The Blackest White People" (honestly). Beck admits to knowing nothing about sports, but stopped short of admitting he's a 100% idiot.
  • Mark Kirk--The Illinois senatorial candidate (and 5 term GOP Congressman from TNB's home district) has spent the Summer constantly apologizing for frequent revelations of how, over the years, he has significantly embellished his resume, particularly but not only as it pertains to his military service. Actually, business recruiters, among others, are all too painfully aware of just how how insidious the practice of "resume padding" has become.

Americans, sad to say, are extremely forgiving (and gullible) and too many insincere "I'm sorry" declarations are readily accepted instead of being treated for what most really are--self-serving, glib "let's get this over with" pronouncements, deserving of sneers, not cheers.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bum of the Month

It's only halfway through July and TNB is feeling overwhelmed by an extraordinary number of candidates to be considered for Bum of the Month. If you're wondering, this a highly sought honor, because not just any garden variety sleaze can qualify. How about this (partial) list:
  • Mel Gibson No big surprise that the anti-Semitic drunken ravings of a few years ago (he's the son of a famous Holocaust denier) have been updated to include apparent physical and mental abuse of his ex-girlfriend/ mother of his 8th child, not to mention more racial rants. Please don't tell TNB that there's still a place in the movie industry for this POS (a term that Cubs manager Lou Piniella used about a year ago on another Bum--Milton Bradley)?
  • Rush Limbaugh Actually, Rush could be a viable candidate just about any month. Remember when he asked a black caller on the air if she had a bone in her nose? But the old pill-popper has outdone himself with his "eulogy" for George Steinbrenner (no saint himself) wherein he called him a "cracker" who made many African-Americans multimillionares (it's OK of course for "good ole boys" like Rush to make obscene amounts for poisoning so many gullible minds).
  • LeBron James/ Dan Gilbert/Jesse Jackson It was bad enough that the supremely narcissistic James conned ESPN (which got great ratings despite or perhaps because of the bad publicity) into an hour-long love fest wherein he finally made the breathless announcement of where "he's taking his talents to" next season. Then Cavs owner Dan Gilbert, acting rather petulant and childish, blasted James for deserting the ship. But leaving no PR opportunity unturned, there was Jesse Jackson, complaining that Gilbert acted like his prized "runaway slave" had gone. Considering the dollars involved and that James' contribution to the well-being of most Americans is next to nil, TNB is feeling a huge disconnect with what's really important.
  • Rod Blagojevich Another perpetual candidate who might be off the charts soon, although (you read it here first) he could escape conviction since the evidence presented at his trial by the prosecution has not shown blatant criminality--only the character defects of ignorance, arrogance, vanity, greed, etc. that should have been painfully obvious from the start. We get the leaders we deserve, it is said. But hey, what did we do wrong to get him (along with dozens of others that could be named)?

If anyone has another candidate for Bum of the Month that could equal this group, let TNB know before July ends and we have to start all over.