Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Technology Gone Wild

It's undisputable that in the last decade or so (i.e. the 21st century) technology has just about totally taken over most everyone's lives. To a large extent, this has been a positive development -- the ubiquitous smartphones, tablets such as I Pads and other new products have made PC's and laptops for example seem somewhat obsolete. Of course, planned obsolescence is the name of the game.

As incredible as many of the new gadgets are (and certainly TNB uses them) there is always a downside. Who could argue that the wanton use of cellphones has gone over the top? Besides talking while driving (banned in many States but poorly enforced), how about talking on these phones just about everywhere such as while crossing streets, in public restroom stalls, etc. Privacy is a forgotten word. Despite admonitions at the start of a program, cellphone ringing is constantly interrupting concerts, plays and even funerals. Manners is another forgotten word.

And then there's texting. Besides likely causing our teenagers to have carpal tunnel syndrome in their thumbs, recent studies express the fear that ultimately we will be raising a group of people who besides not knowing how to write, won't be able to talk properly (with their mouths that is).

TNB has learned to at least abide by all the changes enumerated above. But in one area TNB fervently believes that technology has gone wild with the scourge of today's world--the robocall. There is no way any rational person can accept the constant interruptions by robotically dialed calls, soliciting donations, product purchases and worst of all political support.

TNB might be a little sensitive because today was the Illinois primary and so leading up to it were an incredible number of robocalls for just a few (well-financed) candidates. TNB in the last 2 days was invited to 3 Mitt Romney events (!) so obviously there is no effort to weed out unsuitable recipients. Just blanket everyone--maybe for every 10 people that are annoyed, one MIGHT vote for you. Just wait until the November election.

Never mind the real issues such as the economy, foreign policy or whether a woman seeking an abortion should have a scope put in her vagina (really!). TNB's vote will go to anyone who will ban robocalls.