One of the many accepted definitions of the word "spin" is to impart information with a favorable interpretation. When you think about it, we all engage in spinning of this sort throughout our lives . As children we might say "the dog ate my homework (or perhaps today disconnected the internet)", as teens it might be "but I really love you" and on college and employment applications a sort of "robust" resume might be included. Some would call these lies (little white or otherwise), others might describe them as harmless exaggerations or just doing what everyone else does. But really they're early forms of Spin.
But the real, professional, serious Spin occurs not only in say the business world with unsupported marketing and advertising claims but of course in politics. No matter what, there's a favorable interpretation immediately available of the results of an election, a poll, a debate, a gaffe, an endorsement. You name it. If the candidate does poorly, he or she was the underdog anyway and has certainly exceeded expectations. This only makes sense sometimes if expectations are for a complete failure. Nobody admits that in advance.
It's really curious that the most expert practitioners of this are known as "Spin Doctors"because another accepted definition of "spin" is to give a sensation of dizziness. After the interminable primary season, are you as dizzy as The Normal Blogger? If only the "Spin Doctors" could prescribe something. Probably, the side effects would be horrible (like watching John McCain try to bond with poor blacks) and in any event we'd have to "ask our doctor" (the real one).
Monday, April 28, 2008
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Normal Blogger, I, too am dizzy from the spin this year. However, last night, I found myself agreeing with possibly the most obnoxious spin doctor of them all (except maybe Karl Rove): NEWT GINGRICH. I'm not proud of it. But, while on "The Daily Show" touting his new book, Newtie asserted that the Rev. Wright is trying to undermine Sen. Obama. I have to say, I agree with him! What does everyone else think?
I agree with The Normal Blogger or TNB as I like to call him.
The spin is making me nuts. Is Hillary on top or is it Barack? Is John McCain an independent thinker or a hot head? Is it civil war in Iraq or a terrorist insurgency? Are we in a recession or a limited downturn in the economy?
As to the comment by abrightman (and such abrightwoman) I too saw Newtie and heard the Rev. Wright on "Bill Moyer's Journal"(where he was rather mellow) and also saw his speech before the NAACP. All I can say is oy vey! Poor Barack, there is no way this can help. No amount of spin is going to put this Wright right.
BTW, remember when spin was just plain old BS?
Someone will "spin" Jeremiah's troubles blaming it on Hillary somehow Swiftboating Barack. After all, doesn't Hillary have testicles (today's news)?
We'll see what Bill has to say (on the testicles matter, of course).
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