Thursday, May 29, 2008

Odds and Odd

Since The Normal Blogger is a respected gambler (once a year at the races, the $5 blackjack table on a cruise ship, the NCAA pool) he is naturally qualified to set the odds on the likely occurrence of the following matters of current interest.

Odds that upon the conclusion of the final primary in insignificant South Dakota (it all began in not too important Iowa), Hillary Clinton, having failed to scale Mount Rushmore, will magnanimously and modestly agree to be Barack Obama's running mate. 10 to 1

Odds that the Secret Service will employ a royal taster for any food or drink that might be offered to President Obama by Vice President Clinton (or Bill), especially after Hillary played the "assassination" card. 2 to 1

Odds that anyone will believe anything now written or previously uttered by former Bush press secretary Scott McClellan, the latest example of someone in the public eye having a sudden conscience attack in order to sell a book that nobody reads since all the good parts are revealed in advance. 100 to 1

Odds that in the near future, there will be an all Asian major league infield of Hu, Yu, Wu and Nu (OK, the latter is Yiddish). This is also odd because at a recent game at Wrigley Field, it was announced that "Who's on First". No, not the old Abbott and Costello routine but actually Dodger pinch runner Chin Lung Hu, who is really a shortstop. 20 to 1

Odds that a groom on his honeymoon at the famous resort Days Inn of Merrillville, Indiana will attempt to drown his bride in a hot tub and bite off part of her skin for refusing his amorous advances. Off the Board
No betting on this one, since it actually happened (allegedly). Talk about ODD.


sf said...

What are the odds of getting such a great blog post on a weekday! Usually I had to wait until Saturday.

The old widow said...

I agree with Steve. I was delighted to see an early post. Now I can make plans for the weekend and not wait for TNB to post.

I will take your 10 to 1 bet on Hilary as VP. No way Jose.

cmk said...

You left out: Odds that when a famous person's biography comes out, they claim to have slept with a current or former politician 2:1. Wonder if that's the only little ditty Scott McClellan's book hasn't leaked out yet? Who did he sleep with??