Saturday, May 3, 2008

Page Six

Although The Normal Blog is known far and wide (!) for its high level of intellectual discourse, there has been a clamor (OK one person) for at least one downmarket issue (or post--see below) covering the celebrity kinks and foibles everyone really cares about. So emulating the famous Page Six gossip coverage of the New York Post (actually it's usually found on page 8 or 10) we will give TNB's comments on the following pressing matters:

Miley Cyrus and the Vanity Fair photo-- With all the adults supposedly outraged over 15 year old tween heroine Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana baring her shoulder and her green bra strap, you would think Disney's billion dollar franchise was being threatened by an outbreak of acne or something among their core audience of 6 to 14 year old girls. Surprisingly to those of you who perceive TNB as a Gen Xer in real life he has, among other grandchildren, girls 6, 8 and 11, all devoted fans who are possibly in mortal danger of being offended by the provocative Annie Leibowitz shot. Or are they? None of them are even aware of the controversy, probably sparked by the magazine or the movie studio for some great free publicity.

Roger Clemens and the Country Singer--So the famous Texas born pitcher, HGH spokesperson and darling of fawning GOP congressmen is alleged to have had an affair with a 15 year old (now grown into a 32 year old in drug rehab, but I digress). TNB is only concerned that she wasn't one of the dozens of vulnerable teenagers, most of whom are regularly pregnant by their brothers or uncles or someone similar, from the infamous polygamy compound. Roger didn't have to sink that low, did he?

Barbara Walters and Edward Brooke--No big surprise that in order to sell more copies of her upcoming autobiography (carefully edited, of course), Barbara disclosed a long ago affair with then married Edward Brooke, who interestingly was the last black man elected to the US Senate prior to you know who. This should dispel that canard about bad relations between Jews and African-Americans. Apparently, their relations were OK (wait for the book!). TNB really misses the late, great Gilda Radner with her devastating impressiom of Barbara WaWa.

After an entire post has been devoted to the trashy tabloid stories of the day, feel secure that in the future TNS will once again take the moral high ground.


Anonymous said...

I love this edition, keep it up,it's great to hear how I feel.Saucy Sue

Comsense said...

NB - Keep up the great work. Your perspectives are right on! As to Barbara Walters and Gilda, I can just hear Gilda as Baba Wawa referring to Senator Bwook!

Ralphy Boy

Allison said...

I'm enjoying the tabloid version of TNB immensely. That said, Miley Cyrus is LOVING that everyone is talking about her photos (including the more salacious one where she flashes her bra at her boyfriend -- who knew there were paparazzi present?!). As for Barbara Walters, I don't care if she wants to air her own dirty laundry, but I think it's very low class to air someone else's at the same time. Shame on you, Baba.