Monday, September 1, 2008

Gustav and Sarah

Leave it to a male (OK, only a male named hurricane, Gustav) to possibly deter the American people from getting a complete look at the heartwarming story of Sarah Palin.

But since the Republican National Convention has had to somewhat curtail its agenda, TNB is filling in the blanks, in case you've been concentrating on Labor Day or other distractions.

In only four short days since John McCain, in one of the all-time most cynical, pandering and insulting moves ever made by a presidential candidate, named the previously obscure Alaska governor to be his running mate (is that still a good word?), here's what we know:

  • Although gynecologically identical to Hillary Clinton, she certainly is not in the least her ideological twin (thanks to Jon Stewart). Her shameless reach for Hillary supporters is frightening but could sadly be somewhat effective. Especially when a few weeks ago, a misguided Hillary delegate made a TV commercial endorsing McCain only to find out later that contrary to what she thought he was not pro choice! You can't overestimate the stupidity of the American people.
  • Her many right wing defenders are stretching her credentials to the breaking point. Fox News (honestly) trumpeted her international bona fides by pointing out that Alaska is only a few miles from Russia across the Bering Strait. Watch out, Mr. Putin --she's got her eyes trained on you!
  • The family values people don't appear to be upset by the revelation that her teenage, unmarried daughter is pregnant-- "we're all sinners, etc." Imagine if Obama's daughter, if she were older, was pregnant--the racist clucking would be deafening.
  • At an interview only a month ago, she seemed uncertain as to what the job of Vice President entailed. For sure, she could continue to hunt--as long as caribou, not friends were shot.
  • Finally, she's somewhat of a babe (runner up as Miss Alaska in 1984). This should appeal to the heretofore untapped horny male segment of the electorate.

In fairness to John McCain, he couldn't emulate Obama and pick one of his defeated rivals, who ordinarily would have some stature--Mitt Romney, who reminds one of a slick, Don Draper ("Mad Men") but not as smart, Mike Huckabee, who is quite conservative but lacks Sarah's internal plumbing, Rudy Giuliani who set new records for running a poor campaign and has plenty of personal baggage et al. No wonder McCain was selected by his party.

See the last sentence of first bullet point above. TNB is worried.


Allison said...

Where to begin? At first, the selection of Sarah Palin and the revelation regarding her daughter had me filled with hope that the Dems might have a chance this time. But, then, I realized that Repubs are just brilliant at turning sows' ears into silk purses. No experience? She's a fresh face! Pregnant teenage daughter? At least she didn't use birth control or have an abortion! Troopergate? She is a loyal sister who puts family first!

I'm exhausted.

Normal Blogger said...

Watch for some more shoes to drop after inadequate vetting process.
Or is this wishful thinkong?

cmk said...

What's the over/under on Sarah lasting as the Veep candidate - about 3 more weeks? I think they'll dig up enough dirt to have her thrown off the ballot! (Wishful thinking!) I mean, she's going to have a tough decision when Bristol goes into labor Inauguration Day and she has to coose whether to go to the hospital to witness the birth of her first grandchild or whether to be sworn in!

The old widow said...

TNB you did it again! My thoughts exactly but you put it so cogently.

This Sarah Palin thing is making me crazy. All of the Republicans are following the talking points perfectly. She and her husband love their daughter unconditionally and are happy about being grandparents. Give me a break.

And of course now they have the Democrats on the defensive. They are anti-family and unfairly attacking a child who is not running for office. Never mind that her mother exposed her to all of this.

All of the stupid wing nuts are eating this up with a spoon. It has energized "the base" and since I never underestimate the stupidity of the American public, get used to saying President Palin (after John McCain kicks the bucket)