Can anyone remember when the American public has been so captivated by the parallel but unrelated sagas of two fascinating scoundrels--Bernie Madoff and Rod Blagojevich?
Even TNB couldn't make this up.
To the dismay of his many direct and indirect victims, Bernie Madoff is under "house arrest" in his luxurious Manhattan penthouse, enjoying a lot better food, bedding and other comforts than he would if he had been remanded to a Federal pen while awaiting his ultimate fate. Since there is obviously a different standard of justice for some of the privileged (why should he qualify?)one wonders if such ultimate fate will satisfy the horde of revenge seekers. Many of these people would (at least surreptitously) prefer that Bernie took the honorable way out (fat chance) and flipped out his window, after of course alerting the New York Post. Certainly his Austrian banker friend Sonja Kohn, reputed to be in hiding from Russian "businessmen" whose billions she apparently "invested" with Bernie, would like to avoid showing her face by being forced to testify at his trial.
Isn't it interesting that when Americans are swindled they just file lawsuits but when Russians (and maybe others) are conned, they put out a hit on the perpetrator?
Just as incredible as Bernie is our embattled (impeached on a 114-1 vote, facing Federal criminal charges, etc.) Illinois governor Rod (the mad Serbian) Blagojevich.
Who else but Blago could go jogging while the impeachment vote was being taken and then hours later conclude a "press conference" (no questions allowed) by quoting Tennyson, two weeks after similarly quoting Kipling?
No doubt Rod is looking for some other English poets to quote during his upcoming Illinois Senate trial where, contrary to his lawyers' desires, he will probably testify. As a public service, TNB offers the following possibilities:
BROWNING "All's over then; does truth sound bitter as one at first believes"
SHELLEY "One word is too often profaned for me to profane it"
FLECKER "I had a friend who battled for the truth with stubborn heart and obstinate despair"
CONSTABLE "Give pardon, blessed soul, to my bold cries"
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
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Or, the English poet Sid Vicious who said, “Undermine their pompous authority, reject their moral standards, make anarchy and disorder your trademarks. Cause as much chaos and disruption as possible but don’t let them take you ALIVE.”
Sid was certainly not taken alive. He died at 22 of a drug overdose but who knew he was just as profound as the other English masters?
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