Thursday, February 19, 2009


"Olio" is defined as a miscellaneous collection of things. So herewith an olio of profound musings. What else would you expect?


The collective shame many Jews (not TNB) felt over Bernie Madoff's giant fraud, mostly victimizing other Jews, has been partially assuaged by the revelations of a $9.2 billion fraud allegedly perpetrated by Allen Stanford, a Texas WASP financier. It's doubtful that gentiles (other than those duped) feel anything about Stanford, certainly not ethnic shame. Stanford, who has been "knighted" by the Prime Minister of Antigua, has falsely claimed that he is a descendant of the founder of Stanford University. The lesson here, if one is needed, is that fraud and other criminal behavior crosses all ethnic lines and there's no reason to identify with some miscreant just because he was bar mitzvahed.


It's no surprise that Roland Burris is now being asked to resign by many parties. He was tainted from Day One by being appointed by the Beady Eyed Balkan. Next up-- everyone who interviewed Rod on TV, from David Letterman to Sean Hannity to Larry King, will be subpoenaed to appear at his Federal trial, where no cameras are allowed. What retribution!
Even Patti Blagojevich, she of the potty mouth, could face some charges. TNB is a little nervous because 10 years ago he met then US Rep. Blago, and shook his hand.


If you submit (before the Oscar show, of course) a better slate of Academy Award winners than that promulgated by TNB below, you can win (TNB did not make this up) the latest in innovative toys-- a $100 Bernie Madoff doll, dressed in a devil suit together with a hammer for taking out your frustrations. Eligibility and other rules are under the sole discretion of TNB.
Best Picture Slumdog Millionaire
Best Actor Sean Penn (Milk)
Best Actress Kate Winslet (The Reader)
Best Supporting Actor Heath Ledger (Dark Knight)
Best Supporting Actress Tajari P. Henson (Benjamin Button)

1 comment:

cmk said...

Best Actor - Sean Penn
Best Actress - Meryl Streep
Best Supporting Actor - Heath Ledger
Best Supporting Actress - Viola Davis
Best Picture - Slumdog Millionaire

I'll be awaiting my Madoff doll and hammer...