Regular readers of The Normal Blog will surely agree that most postings consist of factual, well reasoned positions with little or no hint of TNB's emotions. Ranting is not allowed. Thus, you may be shocked to learn that TNB is really ticked off this week, due in no small measure to the following:
- The Flyover--- What were they thinking? How could anyone be so stupid? Etc. Etc. Of course, this refers to the Air Force One look alike "photo-op" which took place in Lower Manhattan without warning, thus justifiably frightening thousands of New Yorkers with obvious memories of 9/11. Both President Obama and NYC Mayor Bloomberg stated that they had no advance notice and were "furious". So, did a head roll? Of course not silly, these are government employees. TNB is ticked off because no one was fired and required to seek a position in the private sector (good luck). Instead the White House official involved issued a lame apology (probably ghostwritten) and the New York official who failed to notify Bloomberg had an administrative reprimand placed in his file. No word on whether he was told to stand in the corner.
- The Singing Sensation--- Is there anyone who has not by now seen the YouTube video of the (formerly) frumpy Scottish lady Susan Boyle wowing British judges with her rendition of "I Had A Dream"? TNB is ticked off, not at her certainly, but at the entire entertainment media for their breathless and stunned reaction that someone who isn't beautiful, has allegedly never been kissed, dresses poorly etc. could possibly succeed. She has already had somewhat of a makeover and sadly once the media tires of the novelty, her 15 minutes of fame will likely end.
- Dick Cheney--- Although George W. Bush seems to have gracefully retired to private life (did he really want to be President?), Darth Vader has emerged from 8 years of hiding to become the unwanted spokesman for the Republican Party. TNB is ticked off that Cheney, who never seemed to be available for meaningful interviews while Vice President, has now appointed himself chief thorn in Obama's side. His image is hardly going to broaden the "tent" of the GOP which took another blow when Sen. Arlen Specter defected to the Democratic Party. When does hunting season begin?
If you're ticked off by something in the news, let TNB know. Best rant gets an all expense paid trip to Alaska in December for the first birthday party of the love child of Bristol Palin and ex-stud Levi Johnston.
--Why did it take so long to approve Sebelius as Secretary of HHS?
--Does anyone really think that Fiat is going to save Chrysler?
--Can everyone calm down about the swine flu?
--Why does anyone care what Miss California thinks about gay marriage?
--For that matter, why do beauty contests still exist?
--How ridiculous is it that the FCC can fine for "fleeting expletives"? Give me a break. How about the murderous violence all over television?
--Is it just me, or is there something distasteful about wealthy, older women (e.g. Sarah Jessica Parker and Alex Kuczynski)hiring less wealthy women to act as pregnancy surrogates?
....and that's just my warmup rant!
Looks like there's a clear leader to visit Alaska in December.
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