Sure, there is incredible fame, especially ultimately when your likeness appears on postage stamps, currency and statues not to mention the airports, highways and ships that might be named after you.
And the perks aren't bad--nice house, private airplane fleet, great security (although the need for this is pretty scary), lots of people seeing to your every wish, etc. So what's the downside? Well, for starters, look at the following:
- Every policy, decision and yes utterance is analyzed and often severely criticized (often only for political "advantage"). The ubiquity of the Internet, twittering and blogging (along with the 24/7 news cycle) has greatly increased the spotlight shining on any current President. Is Barack Obama too wimpy when it comes to Iran, too harsh when it comes to Israel, too socialistic when dealing with GM and Chrysler and so on? Pick your side of these and numerous other issues--you'll find many who agree and probably an equal number who'll disagree, often vehemently, with the President's position. Obviously, a thick hide is necessary for this job.
- Every personal trait is also discussed ad nauseum in today's transparent world. Has the President actually snuck a cigarette or two, perhaps to relieve a little stress or perhaps because like many, it is very difficult for him to quit? Why should this matter? Has he used the Marine helicopter to take Michelle to a play in New York? Do you really care? None of us were going to ride in it anyway.
The ego of politicians is certainly a factor in explaining why anyone would want to become President. TNB can understand this, because until 2008 when John McCain (nine months TNB's junior) was derided for being "too old", TNB fantasized about lightning striking. Those perks!!!
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