Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Anybody Else Believe This ?

Besides TNB, does anybody else believe that:
  • Sarah Palin and her Tea Party devotees (who recently paid her $100,000 to talk "hopey" and "changey" to them) are not strictly a fringe movement, to be easily dismissed? Apparently, between 25% and one-third of Americans really think she makes sense and therefore she and her movement are dangerous, not laughable. History says that she'll self-destruct by 2012, but don't count on it. The best antidote would of course be for President Obama to really turn this country around.
  • Two months from now, less than 1% of Americans will not remember who won the moguls, biathlon, Nordic combined or snowboard cross at the Olympics? NBC has done a great job in making these rarely seen sports exciting but our attention span (never long) will inevitably turn to March Madness (college basketball and the Oscars!), American Idol, Opening Day and other rites of Spring.
  • Speaking of NBC, Jay Leno's post-Olympics return to the Tonight Show will be a colossal flop (as will his replacements in prime time)? Viewing habits have changed so radically with fragmentation of options (including the Internet, I- Phones, Twitter, Facebook, etc.) that it is hard to imagine that the old TV paradigms will return (or should).
  • The U.S. Senate is an ineffective, unresponsive legislative body? Between the campaign financing issues, pork, scandals, poor behavior and inertia (not to mention the archaic rules) how can anyone admire the savagely partisan members of this group. Too bad they're not all up for re-election this year. Of course, the entire House is and they're not much better.
  • Toyota will never return to its position in the automobile market? The only way to repair the severely battered image is for Toyota to change its name to disassociate from the poor quality syndrome. TNB suggests say Edsel or CMW (China Motor Works) to bring back consumer confidence. No need to give thanks--just providing a public service.


Anonymous said...

I am laughing at your superior choice of possible names for Toyota. Any ideas on what to do with the senate?

Normal Blogger said...

Watch for a future post where TNB announces a contest for best new name Toyota can use.

Anybody currently driving a Toyota is ineligible.

Comsense said...

Let's not forget the venerable name, "Yugo"!