Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Can 2011 Be Worse

Early in each year (you know, before the New Year's resolutions have worn off) there's usually a cautious sense of optimism about the upcoming 12 months. Most people can't possibly foresee that 2011 could be as bad as 2010-- a year which included, among other disasters, the Haiti earthquake, the BP oil spill, the (hopefully temporary) rise of Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, the 5th place finish of the Chicago Cubs, etc.

Fortunately for those pessimists among you, TNB is not "most people". He has his usual sense of foreboding which, not to depress you too much, he is not reluctant to share with you. Watch for some of the following to take place (no reminders, please next December at those which didn't materialize):
  • Republicans will fail to repeal the Health Care Bill but when planning their 2012 re-election campaigns, will pretend that they have, thus impressing enough of their ignorant followers to assure that they're not deservedly tossed out of office.
  • Clarence Thomas will shockingly resign as the silent Supreme Court Justice to spend more time with his wife in pursuing Anita Hill for disclosing his perversions during 1991 confirmation hearings. After a bitter , divisive Senate battle over his successor, Denzel Washington will emerge as the consensus choice over Oprah Winfrey.
  • Rahm Emanuel will be elected as Chicago Mayor and will promptly move City Hall to Manny's Deli, where he will move in upstairs until he can get rid of his tenant.
  • Christine O'Donnell will pay off her campaign debt by autographing witch hats at Halloween stores. She will also ask Meg Whitman for a few bucks after the latter blew $140 million of her own money on a losing campaign to the former and now present Governor Moonbeam who will surprise Californians by repealing "don't ask, don't tell" in Hollywood.
  • Colin Firth will stunningly stammer through his Oscar acceptance speech thus proving that his performance in The King's Speech was digitally enhanced.
  • Brett Favre will finally retire from the NFL and will begin a new career as a spokesperson for a line of feminine hygiene products.
  • The Chicago Cubs will wind up in 6th place and be forced to sell Wrigley Field to make room for another CVS store.

It looks like 2011 could actually be worse! Let's hope TNB is wrong, which he rarely is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TNB--this is really funny and I hope 2011 is better than you are guessing it will be for all of our sakes---from, still have hopes!