One of the annoying realities of modern life is the barrage of solicitations received almost daily from various charitable entities.
Certainly most of these charities represent good causes but TNB (who contributes a significant amount of his income to the good causes of his own choosing) is really becoming impatient with the quantity and intrusiveness of the solicitations.
It's bad enough to have to throw away unopened up to 10 such letters in a given day and not sometimes feel a little guilty because of the obviously worthwhile nature of at least some of the senders. But then the CPA in TNB computes that even at a modest $20 per potential donee additional donations running several thousand dollars a year could easily be made. And of course the more donations that are made the more organizations solicit you--not by accident.
A sure way to increase the volume of solicitations is to donate in memory of a friend or loved one to an organization you've never heard of (as requested by the family).These organizations will no longer be obscure--you'll hear from them repeatedly.
One wonders how the sheer volume and cost of mass or even targeted solicitations can provide net revenues to the fundraising entities. Yet they continue on unabated--often with a nickel or dime enclosed or the favorite inducement--return mailing labels for the recipients. Then we also have robocalls and sometimes even live people interrupting your day, some of whom are offended by you being offended by their call!
TNB's only advice is to continue to support the good causes you want to and don't feel at all guilty about say not donating $3 per day to feed some unfortunate children (unless of course this is your desire).
Actually TNB resents even more the constant deluge he receives soliciting him for retirement homes and the like. No need for a reminder that we're all aging.