Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Happy Birthday TNB

TNB wants to thank the American electorate for making his upcoming birthday a happy one (No ages please--but suffice to say there are two "lucky" numbers involved).

Some Observations


Votes still not fully counted in Miami-Dade county?  Again? If TNB didn't know better, he'd swear that the number of Cental American, South American and Cuban exiles there have turned this into a sort of banana republic. Next election they'll need international observers!


Not satisfied with his pitiful, publicity-seeking, patently phony charity offers (how much did he give to Sandy relief?) Trump now says there should be a march on Washington to protest the election! Is he suggesting a coup like in, say, a banana republic [see above]?


Obviously Karl Rove and his ilk didn't get the message. Women want control over their own reproductive rights and every time some neanderthal male right-winger speaks  stupidly about rape and abortion, they're going to lose [see: Todd Akin, Richard Mourdock and Joe Walsh]. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot--or some other appendage.


When a basically centrist Republican like Mitt Romney has to pretend he's "severely conservative" (his words) to secure the GOP nomination he's bound to make statements that will eventually haunt him such as "illegal immigrants should self-deport". And then of course the majority of Republicans are (or were) in denial over the demographic changes that have made Latinos the fast-growing voting bloc.


TNB is fascinated by the fact that not since 1928 has a Republican Presidential ticket been successful without a Nixon or Bush on the ticket running for President or Vice President. Does this mean Jeb Bush will be their  next nominee? He should at least know what's happening in South Florida [see above]. Or is that sort of ominous?


Here's hoping that Sheldon who blew over $10 million (chump change in one of his casinos) in a misguided effort to help Israel (they are just fine with Obama!) is happy today. For TNB's money (not $10 million) Sheldon ranks as the most despicable Jew since Bernie Madoff.


The undisputed most important woman in Chicago for 25 years (remember her in Grant Park in 2008 on election night?) has vanished from sight here. Did she even support  Obama? Who cares really?

After the dust clears, the next four years will be just as tough as the last four. TNB is not optimistic about bipartisanship, civility, etc. (in fairness Mitt's concession speech was gracious). But he'll celebrate on his birthday nevertheless. No gifts please.

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