Friday, March 28, 2008

Fun and Games

It's now apparent why, unlike his contemporaries George Washington ($1 bill), Thomas Jefferson ($2), Alexander Hamilton ($10) and Ben Franklin ($100), John Adams is not portrayed on any US currency. If he was anything like the simpering wimp currently being portrayed on the HBO mini series, it's a wonder he was elected President followed not too long after by his son John Quincy? Is there some historical precedent here? If Abigail had been born 200 years later she would easily have been the first woman to attain that office (also a first lady!).

More fun from Oliver Stone--The director of JFK, Nixon, Platoon, etc. is making a movie about the "formative years" of the current President, with Josh Brolin cast as W. Actually, Oliver should lighten up. Who better to portray Bush 43 than Will Ferrell, who did a devastating sendup on Saturday Night Live? He might need to tone down the unfair portrayal of the President as a boob.

In the games department, I could understand why in this era of violent video games and total impatience on the part of Gen X, Gen Y and Gen Z'ers (???) with the slow pace of baseball , it has been replaced by pro football as our unofficial national pastime. But now they have both been eclipsed by March Madness and the millions of people entering NCAA brackets online and elsewhere. Great knowledge of college basketball not necessary. A 10 year old of my close acquaintance is beating me (so is most everyone else). This latest obsession will probably lead to a Las Vegas type sports book in every office and school.


The old widow said...

I disagree with your opinion of John Adams being portrayed as a simp. He was a nudnick and a farbissineh (as was his son John Quincy)and I think Paul Giamatti is portraying those qualities, but not a simp.
BTW you must do more movie reviews, that is definately your forte.
And, I will end with GO BRUINS !

Your fan, Donna

Mad Matty said...

I didn't know Oliver Stone made comedies. Or tragicomedies.

I'm told that out of the 3.6 million brackets on ESPN, only two people have guessed everything correctly so far. The bookies rule.

Was John Adams as unattractive as he is portrayed in this pretty boring miniseries? I prefer the unrealistic but gorgeous Jonathan Rhys whatever his name is on The Tudors. Showtime rules for hottie shows these days. Go Villanova.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Donna! It seems we have never ending stories in our past presidents.

Maybe I will have a chance this year

Saucy Sue