Monday, March 24, 2008

Random Thoughts

Wouldn’t the perfect running mate for Barack Obama be Silda Spitzer? Like an even more famous current candidate, she’s an Ivy League educated lawyer who has years of experience closely watching a superstar politician husband. She would attract the same humiliated woman sympathy that many white women feel for Hillary and to boot she’s a Baptist converted to Judaism, which would attract even more constituencies. But first, she’d have to dump Eliot. We can’t have him only a heartbeat away from being first lady.

I wonder why more political campaigns don’t travel with a resident veterinarian. There seems to be an epidemic of “hoof in mouth” disease. Every other day, it seems, either the candidate (McCain) or their advisors (for Obama and Clinton) are saying something so stupid that the spin doctors have to work overtime. Makes you sort of dizzy, doesn’t it?

Interesting that Bear Stearns offices were in the then relatively new World Trade Center when the 1987 stock market collapse caused them to move out, thus fortuitously removing them from the consequences of 9/11. The current implosion at least didn’t cost any lives. Unlike 1929, most office building windows don’t open. Otherwise, some disenchanted investors and employees might be tempted to do some pushing of the current version of Masters of the Universe. That term was coined by Tom Wolfe in his classic Bonfire of the Vanities written in, believe it or not, 1987. We never do learn from history, do we?

1 comment:

Mad Matty said...

I am beginning to wonder if Eliot Spitzer patronized every prostitution ring he investigated. And I can't believe Silda had no idea. She would be a better spouse/running mate in Europe, I think. Jill