The SEX angle has been a tabloid boon, thanks to Bristol Palin and her "fiancee" Levi Johnston, whose MySpace page, subsequently removed, was replete with macho posturing, extensive use of the "F" word and concluded (honestly) with "I don't want kids" (condoms are apparently outlawed in Alaska). The lovely couple are giving new meaning to the term "shotgun wedding" since Levi proposed looking down the barrel of Sarah's hunting rifle.
The LIES can only be highlighted:
- Obama is a Muslim (terrorist or dupe, etc.) who has outdone country club Republicans in elitism and arrogance. Sure!
- The media (100% liberal, of course, including Fox News) is mean and nasty to Sarah Palin because they want to ask Mommy Dearest about such unfair matters as her views on say, immigration, the Middle East, Russia, the mortgage/housing crisis, the Supreme Court, taxes, etc. which all the other candidates in both parties have been answering and debating for almost 2 years. They should back off from this inquisition because even by the mediocre standards most Americans hold their Presidents to (see George W. Bush, Phantom not of the Opera but the GOP convention) she would be found to be sadly deficient. Yes, she's feisty, has pizazz and is about 2 inches deep. Memo to disaffected Hillary women--this lady and McCain will make your head spin with their anti-choice, anti gay rights and other right wing proposals. If they're elected, hope for a very Democratic Congress.
- Sarah's Jewish ancestors swam the Bering Strait from Russia to Alaska 100 years ago to escape pogroms. OK--TNB made this up but watch for something like it to appear in some Republican BS (I mean spin).
As to the HYPOCRISY, where to begin? But we must:
- How about Joe Lieberman, badly needing Obama's help in Connecticut in 2006, warmly praising Barack and promising to do anything he can to help the Illinois Senator in the future. Really?
- How about anti Equal Rights Amendment leaders James Dobson and Phyllis Schlafly, among others, who have made careers out of promoting stay at home, subservient mothers, now praising Sarah Palin for her great multitasking ability? Remember the Army/McCarthy hearings--"have you no shame, sir"? OMG.
- How about Sarah Palin herself--great proponent of abstinence only sex "education" for everyone but her own family? After all, who is a better example of HYPOCRISY which is defined in the New Oxford American Dictionary as "the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform"? These people are champs!!!
All I can say is Amen Brother!
The Republicans have once again shown the Democrats how to win an election. And the Democrats are once again snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
I share your pessimism but lots can happen in 8 weeks. Two weeks ago, Sarah Palin was an obscure mooseburger flipper.
Talk about hypocrisy! The newsmedia has treated Sarah Palin as though she is wearing a glass slipper - not as though she has broken through the "glass ceiling".
As for Levi Johnston - he will need to go from staring down the barrel of a gun to staring down the gift registry of "Crate of Barrel"!
No need to register. Mommy will bill all Levi's and Bristol's needs to Alaska government like everything else.
Oy. The Democrats have got to simplify their message and pound it repeatedly on the heads of voters. Instead, they make lame jokes ("lipstick on a pig" -- OMG) or get lost in details and marginalia. Americans don't care that Palin is lying about saying "thanks but no thanks" -- they like her pluck and that's that. Strap yourselves in for 8 more years, my friends!
Concentrate on electing veto proof Democratic majoroties in Congress. Most important, the Senate which can block Supreme Court nominees (Robt. Bork) must have a majority that doesn't depend on Joe Lieberman's vote.
Another lie that needs to be stopped is that Obama is anti-semitic and/or anti-Israel. That is ridiculous. Israel happens to be the one issue that is impacted very little by whether a Democrat or Republican is elected president.
In fact, respond to your friends who send you those lying emails with this:
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