Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Can You Believe

Can you believe that:
  • The "patients" depicted in medical commercials, usually suffering from bladder control issues, elevated cholesterol, osteoporosis and other maladies, all make such remarkable recoveries after using the sponsor's product (of course first asking their doctors) that they are invariably shown romping on mountain hikes, riding horses and swimming the English Channel (OK, not the last one). If that strains your credulity, how about TNB's current favorite-- a middle aged hunk taking Viagra and then riding a motorcycle to the inevitable rendezvous with a very willing partner? Wasn't this drug originally aimed at say a more mature user?
  • The so called (self anointed) fashion mavens are aghast that First Lady Michelle Obama was photographed wearing (gasp!) shorts on a beach. Oh, for the good old days--when formality reigned in the White House, as exemplified by Richard (I Am Not A Crook) Nixon being photographed on the beach at San Clemente wearing a suit and tie. This was one classy gentleman.
  • Kansas Congresswoman Lynn Jenkins who, before gagging on the foot she inserted in her mouth, called for her fellow Republicans to find some Great White Hope to defeat you-know-who in 2012. That slogan was used a century ago in regard to potential opponents of black heavyweight champion Jack Johnson. We have certainly made great strides in this country since then.
  • John Mackey, CEO of organic nutrition supermarket chain Whole Foods, seemed to imply, in an OpEd piece he wrote, that only the rich (like guess who) really deserved full health care and the rest of us should just stay healthy, supposedly by only patronizing his stores. No death panels for him!
  • There is such a scarcity of qualified guests for TV talk shows that Illinois Mr. and Ms. Scuzz (a/k/a Rod and Patti Blagojevich) are appearing on The View. Of course, until he was incarcerated, the Today Show regularly featured Drew Peterson. Next up--Bernie Madoff on 60 Minutes?

All this proves, of course, is that anything is believable because as someone more profound than TNB said--you can't make this up.


Allison said...

To add to your list:

Can you believe that, 18 years after being kidnapped at age 11, a girl (not woman) was found when her kidnapper actually brought her in to meet his parole officer!! And, the parole board had made frequent searches of his home given that he is a serial child molester: they just overlooked the tent city in his backyard where the kidnapee and her two children (fathered by you-know-who) were living for almost 2 decades. Our tax dollars at work!

The old widow said...

Can you believe Dick Armey this morning on NPR. First he said that all of the people who have shown up at the town meetings are the "real voters" and that they are concerned about their freedom. He said the reason they get angry is because their Representatives speak patronizingly towards them.

He also said no organization is sending emails to get these people to attend town halls and that if they did it would be counter productive. Problem- The Dick (Armey) is the head of an organization that was one of the first to recruit people and tell them to disrupt these meetings.

Also, I would love to see Bernie on "60". Let's see first hand what a good salesman he really is. I think "Winky Dink" (as his purported mistress called him) would be a very entertaining interviewee.