Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Just Say No

In the perhaps somewhat more civilized Great Britain, the political party or parties out of power at least used to be known as the loyal opposition. Here in the United States, this concept never really took root, but especially ever since Barack Obama became the first foreign born President (oops), the opposition has become in the immortal words of the immortal Spiro Agnew, "nattering nabobs of negativism". In fact, one could say they are exponents of the famous (and futile) Nancy Reagan anti-drug message ---Just Say No. Nancy, of course, is supporting the President (understandably) on his stem cell research initiatives (Just Say Yes) thus angering many in the party which constantly holds up her husband as their ultimate hero.

But there are many other daily opportunities for the disloyal opposition (fueled by Fox News and of course the Internet) to Just Say No. Consider:
  • The wildly popular Cash for Clunkers program has been derided by many in the GOP despite real evidence that it is providing some significant stimulus (especially to the beleaguered auto industry) and also is ridding the country of hundreds of thousands of gas guzzling, polluting clunkers. But why approve of something that works (especially when the entire Republican strategy is for Obama to fail, along apparently with the the entire nation)? Snide remarks such as "what's next, cash for chickens?" are more examples of the Just Say No syndrome. Where were these people when their friends in the financial industries were being bailed out last fall, which was not necessarily a bad thing either. But that program was pushed by one of their own, not this radical socialist now in power.
  • What reasonable American could find fault with Bill Clinton's North Korea mission to free the two imprisoned journalists (and perhaps offer a tiny diplomatic opening to that isolated and worrisome country)? How about some unreasonable members of the Just Say No crowd who are frantically worrying about what we had to give Kim Jong Il in return? Perhaps Bill arranged a date with the Secretary of State. Hey, nothing's too preposterous for the naysayers to worry about.
  • Don't even get TNB started on the some of the absurd arguments against any and all parts of the Obama health care plan, which of course is far from perfect. But come on--some of the speeches given and charts exhibited in Congress explain exactly why Americans hold most members of that body in such low esteem, slightly above steroid using millionaire athletes.

In both 2010 and 2012, there will be ample chances for the U.S. voters to Just Say No to these clowns and their ilk.

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