Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Armageddon is of course the site prophesied in the Bible where the end of time as we know it will occur. For years, the term has been used as a synonym or description for cataclysmic events. The specter of the fearful Armageddon has been recently significantly trivialized by a movie with that title (where the final battle occurs in 2012, or is that just the next presidential election?) and by using it to describe horrible weather, etc.

Thus, it should be no surprise that "enlightened" Republican leaders such as Michael Steele and John Boehner have described the recently passed health reform legislation as "Armageddon". Why not further create a poisonous atmosphere (causing numerous threats against Democratic legislators among other problems) and whip up the "unenlightened" masses into a Tea Party and Fox News Channel fueled frenzy over a piece of legislation that will likely do far more good than harm?

Let's look at just what is so awful that the aforementioned end of time must be fast approaching. Although there can be legitimate debate over the stipulation(effective four years from now!)that everyone must purchase health insurance, albeit possibly with Federal Government assistance, how can anyone seriously believe that all Americans should not have reasonable access to health care? And as to the immediate reining in of insurance company overreach (insurance for children with pre-existing conditions, lifting of caps on total payments, etc.) is it possible that the vehement opposition is not really on ideological grounds but is largely due to the "undue influence", to say the least, of industry lobbying efforts?

Although the (televised) behavior of certain members of Congress this past weekend explains that body's 17% approval rating, the public (other than those believing in Armageddon!) has not generally reacted negatively. Polls are positive, the stock market is calm, the NCAA tournament is moving along, the baseball season will open soon and although hard to believe to some, life goes on. The end of time is not yet here (just wait until Sarah Palin is elected President).

BTW--an ugly postscript to the legislative maneuvers has been the re-emergence of the use of the "abortion card" as the major item of significance, no matter what the merits of the bill. Despite language to the contrary in the legislation, so called "pro life" forces have emerged from dormancy (abortion rates are way down) to engage in the worst sort of fearmongering possible. How can this be the major issue for so many when this country is battling recession, constant and increasing threats of terrorism, lack of quality education and yes unevenly provided health care? The answer is obvious--it is emotional, not logical -- an apt description of the Armageddonites.

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