Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Leap Day

Today, February 29 is of course a very significant day in our calendar, occurring only once every 4th year (exept for turn of the century years). While this "extra day" has some astronomical or perhaps astrological meaning, there are many more personal reasons to celebrate Leap Day.

For example, there used to be a "tradition"of sorts where for one day it was acceptable for women to ask men to get married (remember Sadie Hawkins from L'il Abner?). This appears laughable today where few get married anyway (even expectant parents) and even fewer men get on bended knee to ask for a lady's hand. Not much call for turnabout one day per year.

But for TNB, the best thing about Leap Day is that it always signifies that we're in the middle of a presidential campaign where quality candidates sparkle with ideas and make the average citizen proud of being an American.

Wait a minute--this is hardly happening this Leap Year as far as the contending GOP candidates are concerned. Just in the past week, we've seen Rick Sanctimonius (I mean Santorum) tell a bunch of Tea Party blue collar types that President Obama is an elite snob who wants to force everyone to (gasp!) get a college education so that liberal professors can remake every voter's child in Obama's image. This seems to be a stretch on several fronts, as you can imagine.

Then Mitt Romney tried to connect with ordinary people by disclosing that his wife drove 2 Cadillacs and also that while knowing (or caring) little about Nascar, he was a friend of some team owners. You thought maybe the drivers?

And on and on. It's getting so discouraging that TNB is longing for the next three years, when there's no Leap Day and no presidential race. Truth be told--TNB is quite happy to be an elite snob.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Loved your comments! SB