Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Secret Agenda

So now that it's February, it appears that the Republican flavor-of-the-month appears to be, of all people Rick Santorum. This surprising turn of events of course evidences the profound dislike many Republicans feel toward the vapid Mitt Romney, probably the least exciting presidential candidate since Al Gore. In case you hadn't heard, Santorum has unwittingly given his name to the latest urban slang word, which delicately can be defined as relating to certain byproducts of anal sex. Since the former Pennsylvania Senator is well known for his homophobia, it was only "natural" that some people (certainly not TNB) thought this might provide an obscene but accurate depiction of him.

Of much more significance to the campaign, Santorum has claimed that if (the Lord be cursed!) President Obama is reelected to a second term, he will finally roll out the "secret agenda" he was been saving for the time that he no longer will need to worry about running for office. Of course, since Santorum is not allowed (!) to reveal the secret, it is up to TNB to relate just what Sen. Rick fears so much, which no doubt will also frighten you.

  • All religions except Islam will be abolished

  • Kenya will become the 51st state

  • The U.S. Capital will move to Chicago (why not--it's more centrally located)

  • All Republicans will be forced to practice contraception

Actually, the last point, if heeded, might result in fewer Rick Santorums being produced.


Personal Note-- TNB bids a sad farewell to Lynda Kramer, who with her husband Marshall, intoduced TNB and Mrs. TNB some 53 years ago. Lynda passed away in Florida recently at the young age of 73. Lynda was one of the most devoted readers of The Normal Blog and actually agreed with TNB 98% of the time. Here's a hope that, wherever she is, Lynda is continuing to enjoy all the blogs and books that she so voraciously read.

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