Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Best Blogger of All

An incredible (if sad) irony has just occurred. Just 2 days after TNB  wrote a new post after a 3 month pause , containing a tribute to Hugo Melvoin, an excellent blogger, what should happen but the disturbing news of the passing of Roger Ebert who had become in later life the best blogger of all. Confined to his computer by a debilitating illness,  Ebert had expanded his horizons from merely being the best movie critic of all to writing almost a daily journal containing his insights on the world.

As a rank amateur blogger TNB can only marvel at how apparently easy it was for  Ebert to write--what a talent!

And of course due to TNB's own background there is a special reverence for someone who loved the movies as much as Ebert did. As many  of you know TNB's father owned the eponymous movie theater pictured above. So while as a young man TNB had more than a passing interest in movies, which interest has never abated,  this paled by comparison to the absolute passion Roger Ebert had for the movies.

It's been a really sad week here in Chicago. Maybe Spring will improve matters.


Allison said...

Beautiful tribute, TNB!

Anonymous said...

Hope you are correct about spring!